Saturday, October 18, 2008

Temples Director of sustainability not so sustainable

My name is Mike...and I kill plants. I'm the director of sustainability, but I have a black thumb. One of the projects that I am trying to help manifest is vertical gardens. We bought them about a year ago and they have survived through some tough times of adjusting to the vertical surface the shipping some hot weather some overwatering an adjustment to the trip system but I think. I may have finally done them in. The stupid timer made by dig irrigation products has stopped working just in time for a heat wave. So basically I'm in big trouble because my boss likes it when I keep the plants alive although I do lots of things that is one of my main responsibilities. Here are some pictures of the vertical garden as they were being assembled and here's how they're doing now I will keep you posted as to if I'm able to revive them a bin watering them a lot and using a gross solution from general hydroponics. May God revive the use plant souls.

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